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Showing posts from December, 2016

at the beach

nwlong live at water music from normanwlong on Vimeo . Homemade Rainstick w/sand and rocks from 63rd St. Beach, Jackson PK, played at Lane Park Beach performed at Water Music on the Beach festival.


I am deeply hurt by this tragedy in Oakland. These artists these people did not deserve to die this way.   I didn’t know anyone who died but just because of who they were and what they do, did not mean they had to live, work and play in such poor conditions. These people gathered there because there weren’t many other places to live and work. The reason why we call art a practice is because you have to do it over and over to get what you want out of it. But if you’re poor, “different” and your practice or work doesn’t cater to those in power or have influence, your options are limited. And we make the best out of those limitations. I’m sure that night was like any other night where they had an opportunity to share their work and have fun. I’m writing this to myself, and particularly those who are not poor and not artists. I remember growing up in the 80’s where callousness was embedded in me. I grew up with that thing of if you were different in any way fr...


I've wanted to show this work I'd done 16 years ago at a graduate program that will not be named for some time now. I also wanted to write about why I don't do this kind of work anymore. The images are about memory, race, gender and capitalism ( a timely topic). I paired images from my childhood and "gangsta haiku" text I lifted from the internet. These pieces illustrate how black male identity is shaped through capitalism, consumerism and sexism. The video below from ArchDuke deconstructs how black male is perceived and told what and how to think at a young age. This video inspired me to look back on this work and provide a proper context. My images were made as a critique of identity and capitalism and how violence is done to young black men that limits their sense of self. The text obscures, commodifies and simplifies the complexities of black subjectivity and everyday life. These pieces were  an important part of my artistic development and crucia...